Microtheme 1

    The microtheme we’re writing in class will be the first time that I'm writing a microtheme. In school, I haven’t really written much, if anything, other than standard five paragraph essays and argumentative essays, so this is a completely new experience for me. I'm much more used to writing argumentative essays, so trying to stick to the criteria of a microtheme has been a challenge. it's much more difficult to leave all my points open ended and up for interpretation than declare a stance as fact. I often found that the sentence I was trying to write was either too stanced or couldn’t properly convey what I wanted to say. I also found myself frequently resorting to writing in questions, which can’t be included. Despite only being a single page long, it takes, or at least feels like it takes as much effort as if it were three pages. When writing drafts for the microtheme I was having a hard time focusing on one top and sometimes lost my thesis entirely. After a half hour of writing I found myself with a completely different topic. I also alternated between causes and consequences a lot, having to go back and make sure I stuck with one or the other. All around I think writing a microtheme has certainly been a ‘unique’ experience that has prepared me for if I have to write any more in the future.


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